
Send to bill to their parents.

Put your passport away; if you can't get someone to screw you in America you sure as hell are not going to find anyone in France who wants to fuck you.

Sex for One: The Joy of Selfloving [Betty Dodson], I discovered this wonderful book in my late 20's. I gave a copy to my daughter when she was 12. I believe self knowledge is a must for all girls.

I deride everyone!

Hitting a ball with a stick when you are three now makes you a prodigy at "hitting a ball with a stick;" who the fuck knew?!

This is news? I'm 50 and between the ages of 16-30 I had 5+ girlfriends, married and divorced a gay man (yes, I knew he was gay), and eventually married a straight man and had a baby at 32. My husband of 20+ years jokes that if I ever left him it would be for a woman.

Chelsea Handler, really?! Can somebody tell this bitch nobody likes her?!

You can't teach sex education without teaching sex as normal healthy human behavior and that, as we know, will NEVER happen in America.

White people...

Born this way, my ass!

Loho drinking again; was she really ever not drinking?

Is this when I finally get to "judge and shame" idiots for being fucking idiots?

Of course they should but they will not. Thus parents have to gather and review the information on their own. In checking this information as part of our daughter's college search, we found that many schools that are generally considered safe, in fact, have high rates of violence and sexual assault directed at women.

It's it obvious at this point that they do not care.

When my daughter was in 1st grade she was repeatedly harassed and pushed by a classmate. Upon hearing this I asked why she didn't hit him to make him go away, she responded with "The teacher said we should not hit our friends." I immediately told her "Someone who is trying to hurt you is not your friend." The next

But Mad Men is not dumb and sexist?

You mean for men, the likely perpetrators of the crime. No, sorry I'm not the least bit concerned.
