

Sometimes life teaches kids hard lessons; maybe somebody else's teen can learn from this, or not. Bottom line: This man did what he felt he needed to do to protect his family in his own home; I will not fault or second guess him for that.

Or they can have a gun and use it responsibly to deliberately shot an intruder. See what I did?

I could...I should...but I just fucking don't.

I just hope she doesn't actually use their products and let them ruin her skin; that stuff is not made for our delicate skin.

This is Texas boys, where the "Castle Doctrine" is viewed expansively. See e.g. Joe Horn, 2007.

No we have not all done it, and he sure as hell won't be doing it again. I suggest parents use this as a teachable moment.

It's absolutely amazing, once again these simpletons have constructed a false narrative out of thin air. Now watch as they go to any length to defend it; what a bunch of inbreed imbeciles and half-wits.

That may be just about the stupidest thing I have read all day; Congratulations!

Somebody should ask them, "Why didn't you know where your child was at 2am?"

Legally, if you are in my house at 2am and I don't know you, I don't have to hold your hand and sing "Kumbaya," I can and will shoot you.

You keep thinking that...

"Ew, gross!"


I can assure you that State Bar Associations are quite "moralistic" about such things.


Only Bowie can do Bowie — it's in the UN Charter.

Yes, this exactly!