

I have said this before and I will say it again:

Men know, they understand, they simply do not care...and why would you expect them to?

The mistress of self promotion strikes again...

You do you. Meanwhile...

First Rule of Feminism: I come first.

Why have a "friend" who is a body shamer? This sounds a lot like "x is a great person, except when x treats me like shit!" What?

"If she was acting like that (which I can actually believe) then she deserved it," WHAT? You are WRONG and

...and I hear they are going pretty cheap these days.

Aw, but you are STILL listening ...

If you don't like the way I say something, you may safely assume I am not talking to you or anyone else who finds themselves offended by frankness. Personally, I find the obsessive need of some people to have their 'feelings' pandered to rather childish; most of us moved beyond that in primary school.

I'll just leave this here...

"...it's as if a PETA blog also posted a daily roundup of the "hottest animal furs on the runway;" Agreed. Moreover, if you want to cover fashion why not feature designers that actually support women in a positive manner i.e. by having wide size ranges, as well as those who utilize renewable resources, and don't use

That's one perspective, here is another...

As the very proud parent of a gay child, let me be the first to say that I'm sorry to hear how this parent has failed her child. I would walk thorough hells fires and damnation for my daughter, and curse out anyone who said such vile things to or about her. We have known our daughter was gay since she was a toddler,
