
Thanks for the smile, "I am serious."

Sarcasm, really? Subtext, inference, confabulation, and reverse reasoning by implication will surley bring about the death of the written word.

That would be the "Mythical" My Black friend.

Translation: "multi-racial/international" search is white people speak for "Coloreds Need Not Apply"

Let me be among the first to say, "Bye BITCH, BYE!"

The studio took on an exhaustive search in finding the WHITE girl to play Lily.

Reading about and hearing from members of the transgender community is a new experience for me, and I do so enjoy listening to your 'truth'.

You know it really hurts me to hear you talk about your mother like that. I'm going to give her a dollar the next time she runs up to my car window. It must be hard out there for a chick her age.

Oh, you caught me on a good day...

Back again, didn't I just give you a snack?

Here have a snack while I think this over...

The problem is that the courts assume she checked the "I want to be a prostitute" box on the Career Day form. Then again as women aren't we all presumed to have checked that same box?

You are dangerously close to advocating personal responsibility, and that is simply not permitted here. Advocating personal accountability is, thanks to subtext, implication and/or inference, shaming and judging those who don't want to take responsibility for their choices.
Using judgment is not allowed...nope, we will

You are off your meds again, aren't you?!


Impostor! Sorry, but your misuse of the phrase "begs the question" indicates unequivocally that you sir are not a lawyer. Here is a primer for your future reference, or perhaps you might consider impersonating a doctor:


You know this shit taint funny...