
Please direct your dumb ass comments to DScullyFBI, because I don't give a fuck (I just posted a definition in response to a question).

Women are more resilient.

Munchausen (MOON-chow-zun) syndrome is a serious mental disorder in which someone with a deep need for attention pretends to be sick or gets sick or injured on purpose. People with Munchausen syndrome may make up symptoms, push for risky operations, or try to rig laboratory test results to try to win sympathy and

Today's watch word is Munchausen.

I'm going to leave this right here, but...

Omniscience must be a hell of a cross to bear...

That is in FACT not what happened...No one turned this video over to the authorities, this video went viral from a Facebook post.

Consider it done.

Sadly, as you can see from the responses my post has elicited, the "why" is all that seems to matter to people.

I love you Sam, but you need to re-read my original post. It was not about the choice of the mother, rather it was pointedly directed at the choice of the people, who would stand by and think themselves better for doing NOTHING. These people behaved as though this was some form of entertainment. Worse, the people on

Now playing

Yes the strong get smart
While the weak ones fade
Empty pockets don't ever make the grade
Mama may have, Papa may have
But God bless the child that's got his own, that's got his own...

What are you talking about? People behaved as though this was some form of entertainment. No one turned this video over to the authorities, this video went viral from a Facebook post.

Thanks, I feel just fine because my soul is intact and my heart still beats for others in real need.

I guess I pulled your choke chain, bitch.