
I'm just going to quote you here: "This was about a failure of EMI to persue a suit not about infringement as the first comment in this thread pointed out?"

You want to bitch about women being unsafe while visiting India? Women in America are not safe living in their own country. Did you not notice that high school girls are being gang raped here in the good old USA, or did you just want to overlook that while looking down your nose at India. A woman needs to be armed to

Worse, young women get raped in America while trying to get a college education.

Please read your original post to me; it's right there. I did not call you a community college drop out, so don't act like I did. Further, I've had deal with that asshat Petti whatever joker in the past, so please don't get in the middle.

No, when I mock people I prefer the direct approach. Perhaps I was bit harsh, however you posted to me what I had already read and was responding directly to in the first place. I find this practice annoying when it concerns matters of law and fact, people behave as though serial viewings of "Law & Order" can make

Are you really in that picture? It was a joke lawyers learn to read between the lines, the picture is from a children's reading show called "Between the Lions."

You, like so many, seem to think that having an opinion while lacking knowledge, is the same as having an opinion backed by actual knowledge. It is not. Translation: if you don't know what you are talking about, stop and listen to those who do. Further, do not keep repeating what those who know nothing have said as a

The only people who think you know anything about this issue are those who know even less than you; Dumbass! What Mr.Asshat, have you read or do you know about this case that has not appeared on TMZ or this blog? Not a thing. You are just a talking walking insufferable community college drop out and all around

and their friends.

This happens in America, too.

Perhaps women in the US need a system they can check before leaving their homes to go out each day; especially on college campuses.

Nobody wants to smell your balls!

Ok, one of us: went to law school; understands the scope of litigation, the resulting discovery (you can bet money Thicke gave a deposition) and efforts to preclude it's use in future litigation; has been involved in this specific type of litigation before, and has read the filings in the present case. So who might

Why don't you read some of the other objections to "male tribal ball airing," because I am NOT the only one who notices this on public transportation, in classrooms, and other enclosed places and objects to it.

Look closely, in this shot he is acting with both brows instead of one — that takes real talent.

Men do disgusting things in public, and women are forced to accommodate them. Even if a couple of women do it, it is not the same. Men engage in overtly sexual and aggressive behavior in public which would embarrass their wives, mothers, sisters, and girlfriends. Men are physically imposing, they know it, and they use

Who doesn't know? Had he not admitted or agreed that he had infringed on the copy right there would be no need for a nondisclosure agreement. I went to law school to learn to read between the lines.

"White Privilege," just ask Little Richard.

Nondisclosure agreements are common in this type of litigation.

Um.....HELL NO!