
Why don't we try it and see?! You know what, after 50 years as I black woman I've had just about enough of this bullshit double standard that only servers to protect the oppressor.

When have you ever seen or heard a of white host of any news/entertainment program apologize for the actions of someone else? NEVER!

She's apologizing for being a Black Woman with any opinion of any sort that might offend White Americans or raise their ire about race.

Yes, by all means let's continue to encourage women of color to continue to be the bigger person; instead of standing up for themselves like any other (white) person would in the same situation.

SHE DID NOT DO OR SAY ANYTHING WRONG! She is allowing herself to be bullied into apologizing for something she did not do — WHAT KIND OF EXAMPLE IS THAT? She is not being the bigger person, she is groveling and apologizing for nothing. Women of color are always being forced into this position. There is nothing to be

He did not send it out to friends and family; he released it directly to the media for distribution — it that how you, and other private citizens usually share pictures of their grandchildren?

I'm saying that she did nothing wrong and has no need to apologize; unlike America's poster children for the First Amendment Ann, Rush, Sarah, Beck, Michelle, as well as any of the WHITE FOX news personalities who routinely say the most outrageous and offensive things, and NEVER apologize for it PERIOD!

That and $12 will get you a coffee at Starbucks!

Black woman bends to the power of the White patriarchy; isn't that SPECIAL!

Why IS Romney releasing a picture of his grand kids to the media?

Let's not! Let's talk about WHY Romney, now a private citizen, released to the public a photo of his grandchildren?

Hell, nearly every white person in America says something ACTUALLY offensive about people of color or members of the LGBTQ community every damn day in this country!

Yes, and the meek shall inherit the earth...BULLSHIT!

To what end? Women have the same problem, always apologizing — what's it get us?

That IS NOT what this is about; but clearly you have ridden your tangent right on off into the sunset — TALLY HO!

Oh really, for saying what? It's not like she said, to paraphrase Duck Pappy Phil, "He sure looks like a happy little darkie!" Give it a fucking break, one person of color gets within miles of the issue of race, and every fucking white person in America losses their mind — REALLY! Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the

You, like so many here, are responding to what you think was said, not what was actually said. Why don't you try reading it:

Freedom of Speech is only for white guys named Phil.

I don't care how many black babies that family buys; WE (we know who we are) ARE NOT VOTING FOR ANY ONE NAMED ROMNEY!

This is exactly what was said: