
A&E? Duck Dynasty? Phil? It's just white people doing what they always do.

In order to give a fuck I would have to go to the store and buy one!

You seem illiterate.


Yes; he is not for the mundane of mind (and this is why WE love him).



And here I was hoping the Kard-trash-ians were IN HELL!

Not falling for it...

Allow me to offer an eternal "fuck you" to this guy...

Under no circumstance did this child need to be with this man. This is not a divorce/custody issue, this is a question of one very dangerous person being out of their fucking mind. It really is PATHETIC that you would try to turn this tragedy in to a MRA issue; nice try though.

Which also explains why his ex-wife left him; what a great guy.

There is NO acceptable excuse or explanation for this; so just STOP!

That's funny!

I agree - no gay man I have ever know in all my 50 years would be such an asshat!

STOP! Go talk to your mother.

You are NOT funny!

I LOVE this!

She looks sophisticated and elegant — MARVELOUS!

AMEN! We got other shit to be doing.