
Why would you have a 26 year old friend who dates a 17 year old?

FUKC IT ALL; just move to a tropical climate!

I did not know vile, horrid, disgusting, egomaniacal, little troll baby equaled eligible bachelor; well, I guess you learn something new every day.

Love yourself, you are WORTHY!

Why is anyone listing to this dim wit?

Lesson Learned: Stop! Let life take you where it will.

You went there, and I ain't mad at you!

...and it does NOT always equal healthy!

Enough already! Look, I'm 5'7 and weigh in at 107 soaking wet and I'm hear to tell you that we skinny women are more then represented and accepted in the main stream. Moreover, I don't think we need to stand up and cheer for ourselves, we should be cheering for other women in all their shapes to be accepted. So

"Fat Pact?" Well that's one way to tell people to mind their own G.D.M.F. Business!

Let's see... She knows her own mind, is talented, is a feminist, and, well...isn't that enough!

Not always.

This is the path to stardom that was chosen for her from the beginning. You really think a person who has been "groomed" to this from childhood, and has an 8th grade education is that enlightened? So what if she gets paid millions, she is STILL shaking her bare backside for a dollar just like the girls at Chocolate

All of them!

Sorry "Girls. OK, women," BUT you are NOT running the world if you have to take off most of your clothes to do it!

As a lawyer I can tell you those cases are by far the exception, and not the RULE!

The women are dressed virtually the same, yet because one is not famous you assumed she was a sex worker. Why does it matter if the second one is famous or not, she is STILL dressed the same and in the middle of the street?

I grew up in the South and had there been any way to get him they would have. After all the accuser was white, and that carries a lot of weight. Had the accuser been a woman of color, this would have never made the news let alone received any type of investigation. Funny how White women want us to be outraged when

Why yes it did.

If we could muster this much righteous indignation and outrage when the victim is a women/girl of color we might be able to change the way our society responds to rape.