
You can say I'm wrong, that I'm shaming —whatfukcingever —but this is NOT her real face and that IS the PROBLEM.

Now playing

So this is what offends white women...hummmmmmm. But this you need to think about and discuss

What's that? Nothing; exactly what I thought DUMB ASS!

FYI: Both parts of the sentence are independent clauses, and commas should not be used to connect independent clauses if there is no coordinating conjunctions. The use of a comma in the sentence would be a mistake known as a comma splice.

You are a DUMB baby troll, and you still need to go home.

Yes, well my "Weaker Vessel" managed to carry and grow a human, and push it out into the world once it reached the size of a bowling ball. Could somebody please punch this guy in the nuts? I don't think he understands the concept of a "weaker vessel."

You are a baby troll; go home.

You are here because...

“A culture fixated on female thinness is not an obsession about female beauty, but an obsession about female obedience. Dieting is the most potent political sedative in women’s history; a quietly mad population is a tractable one.”

I think Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge's panties may have just moved aside on their own! Go Girl!

Only men can change the behavior of other men. If, for example, a fraternity on a college campus is known to harbor a rapist, women should share this information and refuse not only to go to that frat house, but refuse to date it's members. Guys, know which guys are responsible, in fact many brag to their guy

“We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?”
― Nelson Mandela

Treat all men like rapist, then maybe the men who do not rape will act to stop the men who do; just a thought.

I hear you; if society is not going to protect women (and it seems clear it is not) we have to take steps to protect ourselves.

Drink all you want, but stay away from men. Hell, just stay away from men — they seem to be the ones with the problem. CHEERS!

Oh, by all means excuse him, you can't let his self-proclaimed support and understanding of histories worst mass murder interfere with your enjoyment of his films.

No, no, and no...Isha, you need to explain that R.Kelly mess.

Hate football, but love the shoes and gloves. Smiles!