
MALALA YOUSAFZAI vs. Miley Cyrus; this could be a tough one.

If you want to wash something wash your ASS!

Shouldn't you be somewhere throwing up right now?

No. We could just find things to do that didn't involve or revolve around men.

Without the T&A it's not really a talent; it's just standing around talking. Hey you can get anybody to do that; I don't suppose it would even matter what she looked like? Imagine that. Wait, I think I've stumbled onto something here...

I'm sorry, didn't I tell you to shut up and get out of my face? Let me check... No, I guess not. Well allow me to take this opportunity to say, "Shut up, and get out of my face!"

I see a pattern here...

Women are indoctrinated and socialized to feel bad about getting what they want. Self-awarness and agency are the antidote — Use it!

Now you are the Spelling Nazi, I think I see a trend here...

Thank you, coming from the likes of you I consider it a complement. Your moral compass is clearly pointed straight up your tight ass. You need not worry about my soul, you need to worry about your kids stinking. Do yourself a favor, get an opinion that makes some damn sense based upon the facts as they are, not as

Of course watching TV makes you stupid, AND the people who are watching it are too damn dumb to turn it off!

White people will defend or make an excuse anything, unless it happens to them, then it's the end of the world...SMMFH!

Note to ALL White People: We, people of color, are NOT characters or caricatures for your amusement.

People like you make the job of a teacher very hard. It's a wonder anyone would want to be bothered with you and your children. Moreover, I'm sure you would be the first one up in the office blaming everyone if one of your little darlings were to come home with Ringworm, Scabies, Head lice, Hep A, etc. As you and

Really? This woman is a 30 year veteran teacher, you have no idea what this woman likely had to put up with or go through before sending this letter home. Moreover, there was nothing wrong with what she wrote to the parents. If they children's feelings were hurt, it is because their parents read the letter to them;

Let me be clear Polly Anna: The teacher took the appropriate steps to deal with this issue. She informed all the parents so no one child would feel singled out. Moreover, I would guess this is not the first time she has attempted to address this issue with these parents. Get over it, if your kid stinks, it's because

This teacher can't win. If she sent a note to some but not all, the parents would complain their child was singled out. Moreover, how on earth is sending a note home to the parent's of 3-4 year olds contemptuous of the children; they can't even read. What the *&$^@&# is wrong with parents?! If your child is nasty,