
Barbara Walters is an 84 year old Black woman? DAMN — Who knew?!

...because "drunk" just doesn't make you look stupid enough!

Art History? Why should that matter?

Jesus, these bone just make my ass look so fat, what am I going to do!

If you don't say anything people will just think this is normal.


"I think that if rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it." this comment was made over 20 years ago by Coach Bob Knight, Indiana Basketball coach.

Other than sit on your backside and accept the benefits of others hard earned struggles, what have you done? NOTHING! You think you are SO liberated because you can SMS a picture of your vagina to your latest hookup! Grow up. The benefits of the Feminist Movement extend to everyone including your self-absorbed


Aren't you the special one...

You are afraid, and for that I'm sorry.

Why must women apologize for demanding what is rightfully ours?

Guess what little girls, if you are afraid to call yourself a feminist because somebody might think you are a bitch, or say "you are too this or that," you are NOT a feminist. What you are is weak minded, and if you only get paid 75 cents on a dollar to a man, its what you deserve. Now get back in that kitchen, and

Stop making excuses for them, some women are just STUPID!

What, they think we can't hear them when they are talking? No woman in her right mind should ever vote for the GOP!

You can't turn a...

When my daughter was 7 we went to Disney World, "Princess Capital of the Universe." As our trip drew to a close my daughter insisted that she must have a princess costume, and while I hated the thought I finally gave in a said yes. After adorning herself in full princess regalia in the dressing room, she marched

If you are in that much fear for your life you need to keep the damn door closed!

doldrums, honey child, I'm just saying..."YOU NEED TO SHUT THE FUKC UP!"

GTFOOH! You need to stop talking, it makes you sound STUPID! You are rationalizing the cold blooded murder of an injured unarmed person who's only mistake was being Black and ringing a door bell.