
I don't have White women for friends or rattlesnakes for pets; both for the same reason.

These young girls are no different than many of the pathetic self-hating women who post on Jezebel about how desperate they are to get a man and keep a man because without one their life is unfilled...blah, blah, blah. Luckily, these girls are young and still have time to outgrow their dependence on men for


It takes real effort to be this DAMN DUMB!!

You can't expect people to actually read...that takes all the fun out of it!

The New Barney's Song:

You don't like women do you; do the women in your life know?

America needs to get off it's moral hobby horse; it's dead!

Bring on the "Krokodil!"

…because there are just not enough stupid things you can do to yourself for free.

Can I ask, "Why would you continue to respond to him?"

Kick them in the nuts (HADR), maybe they will get the message; and even if they don't you have time to run away.

I left the USA behind years ago. There is a whole world that will welcome you as a Black person — go out and see it.

So this is who and what this new generation of women have become...

Wow! If you spent half as much time reading as you do talking, you might not sound so STOLID! You didn't know the facts when you opened you mouth the first time, and you still won't close your mouth even though you lack of knowledge is readily apparent. If you wish to remain in a world where people pander to your

This is Hooters, right...

You are just another dumb holier-than-thou schmuck for whom reality is obscured by an imagined 'morally superior' position.

Anybody with an once of common sense could figure out this was not a normal situation for the outset, sorry you missed it. You really need a hobby that doesn't involve you try to control other people and their thoughts, clearly you are having a difficult enough time just thinking for yourself?