
Looking for "closure" is just an excuse to keeping hanging on long after you should have just walked away from a process or person that is sucking the life out of you.

Proud Feminist Mother raising a Proud Feminist Daughter, who is entering Wellesley College this Fall, as a member Class of 2017!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is what comes of negotiating with lunatics. So called "Pro-Choice" women have allowed our reproductive rights to be whittled down to nothing; by consistently backing away from the ABSOLUTE right of a women to choose abortion for any reason.

I support the ABSOLUTE right of a woman to make ALL decisions concerning

Just in time to distract from a real discussion about the horrible things men/boys do to women/girls everyday.

Loving life in Singapore, more and more each day!

Wellesley College does NOT have sororities.

Sock puppets are more well read then JLo.

Sorry, I forgot "nasty!"

I'm going to guess they planned to look like cheap tacky hos.

Love, Love, L-O-V-E, LOVE!

There is something to be said for only having children if you can afford them.

BRAVA! I'm going to Dior right now to buy something!

Calling all defenders of Paula Deen...

Too subtle, I prefer a flame thrower!

What is the problem; Anna Nicole WAS cheap, trashy, and melodramatic!

This is YOUR vagina, use it like it belongs to YOU!

Pregnancy is not an accident it is science, and it is time for women to start acting like it. Correct use (start by reading the damn instructions) of birth control pills (IUD, diaphragm, etc.) PLUS a condom to prevent STD = 0.00 % pregnant.

I hope Nigella kicked him, hard, in the balls on the way out!

That cat is a "Duck Tease!"

Slut shaming? Don't insult sluts by lumping them in with this trash.