
Just keep fooling yourself, hope it works out.

Happily, I no longer live in the South, and if people want to continue to romanticizing the Southern myth then goodie for them. However, I imagine it does require a great deal of effort to continue living in a dream world when nearly every other day yet another genteel Southerner says or does something in the media

Well I'm sorry she disappointed you.

I guess she fooled me.


Yes, I would not pretend to be surprised by it.

No, I reccommend shooting first and asking questions later.

Lesson learned ladies: Men/boys are NOT your friends, they WILL take advantage (criminal and otherwise), others WILL standby, AND YOU WILL BE BLAMED. These are the FACTS, you may not like it (I don't) but you need to protect yourself at all cost.

Sorry, there is nothing unique or special about Paula...

What, you were expecting something different?

Get back to me when you actually know what you are talking about.


And they were voted into office by whom?

No, you just sound funny to me.

Oh, Miss Scarlett...

No, Paula is merely an "example."

Mississippi ratifies 13th Amendment abolishing slavery almost 150 years after its adoption - Feb 18, 2013.
Progressive? OK, if you say so.

"You say tomato, I say potato"

And sometimes you get what you get, see e.g. Paula Deen, Rick Perry, Michelle Bachmann, Brad Paisley, American History 101, etc.

Yes, deflection and denial are running rampant.