
Why do you feel like you have to be like everyone else? Being different is NOT wrong.

It's a women's college, get you paper work in order and apply again!

I agree, but I've grown accustomed to being called a prude or judgmental. I guess if you are not in favor of humping everything that moves you are sexually repressed.

Please see CNN, FOX, etc. response to the Steubenville verdict; America has no moral high ground on this or any other topic concerning the treatment of women and girls.

It's not the what, it is the why they are doing it that causes problems. Teens are not emotionally ready for sex. Why not wait until you are in your 20s and actually know what you are doing and why?

You can always choose not to do this sort of thing.

Sometimes you get what you get...

He is so precious!

Some white people are so stupid, it makes it hard for us to like any of you.

Duck tape!

"They tell us that Suicide is the greatest piece of Cowardice... That Suicide is wrong; when it is quite obvious that there is nothing in this world to which every man has a more unassailable title than to his own life and person."

I just have to laugh at all those snobs...

Too bad she didn't turn around and knee him in the nuts!

Changed; in to WHAT?

It's Tennessee...

Choices have consequences.

That's NOT right!

What is wrong with you? You fall for ANYTHING!

Your mom's calling, it's bedtime go to your basement.

Did you say something? Sorry I couldn't hear you over all the whining.