
This doesent surprise me. Look at how beautiful women are constantly portrayed in the media. Theyre dumb, gold diggers or catty bitches or all of the above. Anytime you see a smart chick or a woman whos good at something other than getting men to buy her shit shes always a little butch or chunky or shes a lesbian.

YES! I WANT AN ORGASM EVERY TIME! When i was sexually active on the regular i never came. I just never ever ever came except ONE TIME! i remember it perfectly because it was like finding a unicorn. I had it right there and then gone again forever.

RUBE GOLDBERG MACHINES WERE MY JAM! That stuff was my favourite as a kid! everytime i saw one in a movie id get super excited, i made a bunch of horrid ones for the purpose of booby trapping my house during Christmas and Easter to catch Santa and the Easter bunny. Fuck cookies and milk i wanted to catch the son of a

Now playing

A 250 dollar budget? For THAT? There are so many awesome youtube videos that cost way less than that and theyre entertaining. Someone in Brits crew needs to smoke more fatties and make a load of this.

Anyone remember lyrics.com? isnt that a thing still? When i was a teen and failing at learning the guitar, after i got tabs because fuck learning notes id get the song lyrics off a lyrics website.

Of course hes loosing his creativity. Hes rich, famous, has a really hot wife and hes oblivious to constructive criticism. Theres no struggle anymore for him so hes started to just coast. That happens to some people when they reach stardom, all the edge just shrivels up and dies. The same thing happened to Kinison

I wouldnt let my kids eat this crap anyways, fuck the ban just dont let your kids eat crap. Sure they'll be pissed when theyre young, but by the time theyre old enough to get a job and buy as much hot Cheetos as they want they wont have this insane taste for that kind of crap. If they eat sugar like that all the time

I never understood that gender segregation thing either. But i also havent lived it. My family in Norway is way more relaxed about that shit. Plus before i moved there, my family in Canada did everything Potluck.

I dont have auto complete im just a dumbass. When i wrote segway i just got those red lines underneath it so i googled segway and i just got nerds on wheels so i googled segways in comedy and it was legit in the search engine. So alot of people on the internet forgot about "Segue"

I meant segway like in switching topics. I thought it was spelled the same way as Segway...as in that thing you use for switching locations on two wheels. I get the feeling i am probably very wrong.

The song didnt ....go together. It needed segways it didnt have. Kanyes had a few good songs but mostly his stuff is pretty blah, which would be okay and id leave it as "different strokes for different folks" But hes such a dick about his stuff! Hes a total narcissist with no sense of humor about anything so when he

Yeah, point taken. That line i was talking about gets redrawn all the time as society shifts and progresses. The place it lies now though, i think most people know where it is. But that doesent mean it will always be in the same place.

I want to put it in a hotdog bun SO BAD!

Sounds like watching a movie with my mom.

Oh im for sure slamming the people who act on those urges...but i see your point aswell. What you say seems plausible because im celibat. So i know that lifestyle.

Unfortunately if most people werent such cunts having laws in place that pull the shit im talking about it wouldnt be this insane slippery slope. I totally get where youre coming from. Its too corruptable, because theres always people who will take advantage for personal gain or moneyed interests instead of zoning in

HAA >.<

Awesome. Wheres my trophy.

Depends on the reason actually. If you have an dirtbag husband who beats the crap out of you and you want to leave but...the exit strategy is kind of...tricky to plan and its taking a little bit of time and you know youre whole being alive clock is like tick tock....this might be youre last fight. So you grab the

Theres a line and everyone kind of instictively knows it.