
Not even the same thing. Buying a kiddie fuck doll is pretty much buying a child rape simulator and if thats what gets youre rocks off...youre a problem to society, because the simulation isint going to keep you off the real thing forever... youre ruining some lives for sure later down the road if you havent already.

oh my god that would rule!

Dont take it down! Leave the doll up as bait and arrest anyone who buys the damn thing. Seriously if you want to bang that youre a problem.

Im not blaming women, im blaming creepy racists. The whole blog page is about how white men fetishize asian women, well Women fetishize asian men too! Its not souly a gender thing its a race thing! Oh and these chicks arent imaginary! Go to a Happy Hardcore Rave/Cosplay Competition/Anime Con and you'll see them there

J pop is Japanese pop music. Its super popular with people who are crazy into Anime and go to cons n stuff. Its where all the Harajuku shit Gwen Stefani ripped off comes from.

Now playing

ITS THE WOMEN TOO! seriously its not just white dudes! The girl version of the mail order white dude is the j popper.

I love Gabourey Sidibe so much. When i see her on screen as queenie im like "be my best friend" Jennifer Lawrence and ellen page have the same vibe. Theyre just so cool!

I nominate Dr. Cristopher Ryan. Author, Magical Land Mermaid.

Me too thats what i meant, now that i read it back it doesent sound like that. Should have proof read that....more...thoroughly.

When i typed in "Women should" The first thing i got was "Women should rule"

Yeah social conditioning is powerful, more than we even realize i think.

I think its a mix. Because children also have no authority and they have high voices. Womens voices are higher than mens but not childish in general past teenage. But for centuries scince the dawn of agriculture and the move out of hunter gatherer societies women became property and were essentially adult children

I hate nice people in the morning too, especially in airports or office settings, basically when its early and noone wants to be there. Morning people are annoying to the surly night beast that is me. However when i say i hate cheery people in the morning i dont mean cheery women in the morning. Guys who are all high

The one thing i love about the AHS Series is that they actually cast an actor with downs to play a character with downs. Hollywood does the opposite ALL THE TIME & its ridiculous to watch! They get Sean Penn or Rosie O'donnell to play parts of the mentally challenged instead of just hiring mentally challenged actors.

Comedys just harder for women. Even comedians say that. Joe Rogan has said it many times on his podcast. It just goes back to how women are supposed to be quiet and ornamental. Stand up comedy is the complete opposite of that. Youre on a stage amplifying your voice and youre the only one who gets to talk and if other

I love this song and i love the video, you get so few fluffy pop songs that are blatantly pro woman. The last one i remember having the same message and tone was Pink's Stupid Girls.

ITS SO CUTE! i want to squish its face and love it forever!

I can only ever orgasm from masturbation. If theres a name for that i dont know it but thats was happening.

EW "Help me see the light"? could you be anymore of a mansplainer. Gross!

YEAH! Crap i always get nerdist & HQ mixed up. But yeah it was the comic con stage interview thing with Zachary Levi. I like Levi he seems like a good egg.