Note the language.... "especially" men.
Note the language.... "especially" men.
Banks is less of an asshole than people say she is. I think peope just find it more jarring when shes so blunt and has this air of beligerence to her because shes a woman. Shes still right 90% of the time. But she gets shit over her delivery. Ugh its just kinda gross the way women have to be sort of apologetic for…
OH MY GOD MY FIRST CRUSH WAS SIMBA! Eddie has the reverse male version of my exact same sexual awakening! Dude i thought i was some sort of weirdo for this but now i know im not the only one who was like "wow i like the lion king.....ALOT"
I like the Cunt Dracula one.
I find this cheeky and funny. Its not offensive to my "precious flower" Shit i call my minge a growler and when ive totally been calling my period "shark week" ever scince that song came out.
Yeah its like...does everything have to be so sexed up? This is what puritanism does you guys! When sexuality and most especially female sexuality is something thats always been considered a huge problem and something seen as bad or dirty, this is what happens. All the repressions spills out into the aesthetic of the…
I agree with this. Plus ive seen how it affects the lesbian world. I think because of this male gaze, lipstick lesbians kinda get the short end of the stick in the gay community because of this. Which sucks but ive seen this heirarchy in full swing.
Youd think men would jump on this! Especially paranoid ones that dont trust when girls and women say "oh im on the pill!" Or think that girls are trying to steal their condom sperm.
I have nightmares that wake me up with feelings of shame and inadequacy but its never because of friend problems. Its ME problems, its just my own baggage.
I think this is such an antiquated notion and i think it would be great if Hollywood would walk into the 21st century instead of dragging their heels.
That class sounds awesome!
Yeah but usually when you write for children no matter how complex the wording and the kinda wanna tie everything up in a nice neat bow where you know where the baddies are and whos going to come in and save the day.
woody allen is a creeper though, watch his old stand up...hes just...gross and unfunny.
Yeah shes not a Mary Sue like people are claiming but her and Harry together...its weird. Its like when you meet a husband and wife who met at a pray the gay away know theyre not fucking.
HAA. i know really a woman of such high morals and strong conviction & integrity would never choose a man with the same qualities as a life partner.
Ron & Hermione are great together....i never got the Ginny/ Harry thing either. I think Harry's lovelife in the story could have been written more interestingly if he had met a girl from Slytherin house. It would have given more depth to the perception of those who reside in that house instead of the constant…
If she could figure out how to synthesize fecal matter or find someone who could...wouldnt it just be more effective and less time consuming to synthesize nicotine? A high enough dose would cause cardiac arrest and noone would think anything of it was he a smoker or has quit unders 7 years of her dosing him.
Theres always a duty to care from the top down but noone ever takes it seriously. Thats why the trickle down theory is such bullshit. It brings out the worst in people.
Mileys advice was actually good!