Don’t full understand the commitment to the “Marky Mark is scum” narrative.
Don’t full understand the commitment to the “Marky Mark is scum” narrative.
Two hours after publishing (with a throw the Gawker’s page) and you garner fewer thank 70 comments? Maybe don’t run with drivel like this next time.
Does anybody want an in car navigation unit that will be outdated in a matter of months? We all have smart phones that do that shit for us.
What does it say about you that this was your takeaway of the article?
Pretty much implied in the title.
“The things I want to buy are not on sale” != “Everything sucks”
“The things I want to buy are not on sale” != “Everything sucks”
JESUS CHRIST! It's people like you that's make is scary to even try to have sex with any woman at any time for any reason.
Nah it’s just pre-emptive. Some asshole on Kinja will always reply saying you’ve said something you didn’t.
I think it is more a commentary on the quality of comments around here.
It’s important to note, according to the researchers, that none of the women used words like “rape” or “coercion,” even though the sex they described could reasonably be categorized that way. Instead, they merely described it as “bad sex”
Sleeping gas doesn’t exist.
Nothing, and that’s why the Thunder will always have fans in the seats.
Serious question, what the fuck else does Oklahoma have going on basically after November?
the Trump rally reportage piece has no purpose other than to reaffirm the importance of a certain kind of writer and his observations.
I feel like you guys are just trying to find anything to write about at this point. You need a new “story” on here every 10 minutes or whatever, so you guys talk about anything. This isn’t a story.
Did that response sound clever when you were thinking of it?
What a weird article:
White person writes about white person going to Trump rally.