look! a gen x baby has appeared

Because there are two groups, Gamergaters and everyone else on the planet. We, who will be referred to as EEOTP, are not choosing to be a part of a group. We are the default. You choose to be a GG. It isn't hereditary or genetic - though possibly a small caveat because it does take a healthy amount of anti-social

Because that's what Gamergaters do. It seeks to belittle women in gaming under a thin guise of pretending to care about something so insignificantly small.

That didn't take long at all. Lol.

Is there any legal evidence that all those Fortune 500 companies refuse to hire women as CEO? Sure, by the sheer numbers it looks that way, but unless there is bulletproof legal evidence it could all be a mere coincidence. Just sayin', ya know?

Sorry, too busy making "female hypocrisy" GIFs.

This will go over well. Equality until...