look! a gen x baby has appeared

cheerleaders have higher graduation rates than the retards that play football.

National deadbeat Fathers and wife beaters of america Llc

competitive cheering is also 1000 times more dangerous than meathead filled sports like football

look! a useless fucking meathead. Competitive dance actually takes some intelligence unlike the retard filled football or basketball 'sports'

treasonous shitbags such as yourself should be put to death. These anti american generals are committing treason

oh god, fucking flag this troll


please kill yourself.


People are put to death for witch craft.

No, fuck you and please put a bullet in your head

Being a great grandson of a slave owner is not a direct tie

funny, male ceos have said that same thing......

So you openly admit to being a sexist asshole who broke Federal Law

That is actually illegal

Because men can never face discrimination right?

Every study done has showed that Mils are the hardest working and the most caring generation.

most gen xers are not in debt, try again