Timothy Walker

The ugliness of the dress is matched by the ugliness of her tattoos.

Sadly, the Descent reboot is not on this list ... :( 

The Descent reboot again not becoming a reality is the biggest disappointment for me.

So here’s my question. In a list of 15 worst films (or anything), is #1 the worst of the worst, or is it #15?

I feel that there should have been a nod to the WORST double duty performance on SNL, which in my opinion was Frank Zappa on Oct. 21, 1978.

Legion is really fun to watch stoned.

To be sure, I’ve watched a lot of porn in my lifetime, but I don’t know what a “BG scene” is.

Now playing

I think the Proclaimers skits should have made the list:

I am so glad this review mentioned Esquerita, who has been so unjustly forgotten.

And Billy Idol’s Christmas album is where, exactly?

Hey, where is "Fairytale of New York" on that U.K. list?

In your list of skill-free performers (Schumer, Rapaport, and Delevingne) adding nothing to the series, you left out Sting.

Some do, some don’t. Painting with a broad brush is the real crime here.

Beavis and Butthead?

A Chad is also the male equivalent of Karen. Some would say “Ken” is a male Karen, but I and many others disagree.

I agree with this post 100%.


Midnight EST, huh? Or 9 p.m. PST. You sure about that, A.V. Club?

Great questions, Matt. You really did your research.

“Hawkins, 50, was reportedly on tour with the band in South America”