Timothy Walker

You’re thinking of April Wine.


I’m still holding my breath for Descent Underground ...

“Aloha shirt” not “Hawaiian shirt” you insensitive cad! :) 

Not one of these interests me.

Descent III is a great game. I even bought an old Mac that could run OS9 on (from a computer salvage place) so I could play it again. Too bad I can’t play it in multiplayer mode. When the game was in its heyday, I had a crappy Internet connection and so was losing every battle because of lag time. Oh, well.

Agree about Dune. This list sucks.

Agree regarding Dune. Why this film has not appeared on every single “Best films of 2021" list is beyond me. Critics who don’t like this film are crazy stupid.

True dat. And regarding Keshi, “beside you” — the AV Club reviewer called out his “impressive vocal range.” WTF? The whole song is auto tuned, and so sounds like every other crap song in the last decade.

When was that?

That’s two questions!