Right, you’re “white” yet calling people a term used by blacks for us. You’re getting owned by everyone here, we’re laughing AT you, not WITH you.
Right, you’re “white” yet calling people a term used by blacks for us. You’re getting owned by everyone here, we’re laughing AT you, not WITH you.
Nothing was made up, I’ve provided MULTIPLE links to data supporting them, unlike YOU.
Yeah, Africa is still only a shithole a CENTURY later because whites stole all the best blacks for themselves, HAHAHAHA!!! The same blacks that make up the smallest segment of the workforce and largest segment on public assistance:
Did those chubby little fingers of yours feverishly type all of that horseshit?
So you suck cock for a living? Runs in the family it seems.
For blacks? Eternity it seems.
Why don’t you shut your fucking mouth until spoken to, shitbag?!
Nope, just Googled both and nothing of the sort. What else ya got, feckless cunt?
And yet I do feel superior, and there isn’t a thing you can do about it.
Here’s hoping for “NotTheRoot” and “JezeFemaNazi”!
“...He said the staff at VTA were responsive and called him back immediately. He said has also been in touch with a civil rights lawyer and the state commission against discrimination.”
Was he not raped by the Uber driver because he was black?
Our race doesn’t need any more pussies like you, why not move your family into one of those wonderful majority black areas?
WTF are you yammering on about? No one was “adopted” by anyone nor foisted on by “whites”:
So to recap, it was done by people “not at the time considered white” but are now considered as such not just by white people BUT BY EVERYONE INCLUDING HISTORIANS, so claiming ‘white people invented it’ is somehow wrong....yeeeahhhhh. White is a skin color, not a religion, not a group. The entire time their skin was…
Why would I when I’m doing so well in the corporate world without you union cock suckers? Shouldn’t you be playing PUBG, young lady?
No I didn’t, you made a fucking claim you can’t even back up assbag. Prove there was a sockpuppet acct. setup or go hop back on your sister.
Really? From my links:
that’s probably subsidizing whatever backwards piece of shit town you live in.
Nah, you just need to blame all of your failures as a race on us. Face it, we took you out of fucking mudhuts in that shithole called Africa to the greatest country on earth, where people from ALL nations came to become “Americans”...unlike you who felt you needed to separate yourselves (as if that was even necessary…