
It’s The Root, where everyone here claims they’re not racist but never waste a chance stating how much they despise white people!

No, it was more about all of the ‘big deal’ articles about white people calling police on them and the race mocking...none of which has been seen here in ANY of the reports, just simple copy/paste from natl. media reports, no opinions whatsoever on the perp. BIG difference.

Why, you don’t allow truth and logic here?

So he has to wait in line behind your Mom?

Just a guess based on how fucking slow you come across, is ‘retard’ a race then?

Stop being such a fucking baby, Christ you people are so fucking thin-skinned. You cry over ‘words’ for crissakes!

Right...because future employers NEVER Google candidates nor require a fucking reference from a previous employer you dipshit.

Right, because nothing says “non-racist” like calling strangers ‘White Mayonnaise’.

nigger...NOW WHAT??!!

Right, in EVERY shithole majority black country somehow it’s “white people’s fault”! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!


You are when you sound like an asshole.

STFU already.

Oh...so Cosby is rotting in jail??

Enough with your cooning already.

Same dumb, different day. 

You must be black...low comprehension and failure to comply with commands...like a mutt.

None of what you stated is based in FACTUAL only theorized:

You don’t get to tell me what to do, got that lard ass?

Greeks are credited with creation of both the alphabet and mathematics, now Greeks are “non-white/POCs”??! And a WHITE German is credited with the first book, btw.