
Not mad, laughing at your ragequit actually. Still waiting for your counter-sources and citations that “contradicts” me.

It’s almost like not being enslaved elsewhere in the world and only 6% of POCs being slaves here is going on 6 decades of excuses. For such a ‘proud race’ you accomplish so little in reality.

Mad? You think I truly care what black people would think about me? The overwhelming majority of you make far less, are far less educated and will never experience leaving your shithole existences. The fact that you need to project some bullshit “angry, failure in life” based on some fucking anonymous posts based in

Update: still dead.

Why would their family ever be responsible for something over 6 decades ago??!


Only her movie career...

Not sad at all, you somehow project that based on anonymous posting history? HAHAHAHAHA!!!! If no one “saw or cared” then why the fuck are my posts getting starred or constantly replied to? Do you truly think anyone gives an honest fuck what you find pathetic?

Show me a predominantly black area that has a lower than average violent crime level than either the state or national level. Poverty causes this? Nope, because there are far more low poverty majority white areas with FAR LESS violent crime, idiot.

Sure, let’s...

Why isn’t it? Even community colleges nationwide have the option to transfer EVERY credit to a state school or university that participates. And scholarships are open to everyone if they apply themselves in high school. And why can’t you work PT to offset your costs? Many kids do this in college.

Right, because NO OTHER GENERATION has EVER had school loans or faced a fucking recession!! Unemployment is at it’s lowest in DECADES, and millenials make up the largest segment of the US workforce yet here we are again listening to you fucking whine about WHY you shouldn’t have to repay loans that generations before

Then fucking move to where the jobs are, millenial.

Good, some of the most tasteless, bland and unhealthy shit killing people in this country today.

Trailer parks are far safer, far nicer and have far less violent crime than most if not all predominantly black areas ANYWHERE.

You mean when it was far safer and little to no black on white crime?

She sucks, plays zero fucking instruments, writes little to no music not to mention can’t produce an album for the life of her. A poor man’s Tina Turner at best, but fatter and whiter.

Yes, please buy the Root and burn it the fuck down along with all of these useless “writers” so they can go back to shucking and jiving at some other low IQ job.

Just say it and grow up already.

Based on all of their violent crime, maybe it’s time to reconsider...