
It’s a fucking word, stop being such a fucking pussy.

So lawyers have zero free time or interests?? No lunch breaks?

...that they make more money than most other jobs?

“what strives for”??

We get to say, we brought your dumb ass here.

...or lack taste.

So he’s racist for quting someone saying nigger?? And he’s the idiot?!

That’s why you “worked for several lawyers” and are here posting ad nauseum, next time study harder. 

Yes, he gets to say nigger in court, how fucking dense are you?

Who cares, freedom of speech. If you don’t like it, don’t use it in your own day to day life. I’ll say whatever the fuck I want, like it or not.

Why do you hate punctuation? 

No, what’s worse is a race of people that are 400 years removed continuing to this day to use it as their excuse to lag behind almost every other race worldwide, NOT just here.

Because lawyers can’t have a fucking typo on an internet board, GTFOH.

Because lawyers work 24/7 and have zero downtime during the day. Jesus Christ you’re dumb.

How the fuck do you use “square brackets” in a courtroom verbally, dumbass?! You think court cases are all done via paperwork?

Take off your tinfoil hat, I’ve had both pure and mixed and not a single fucking difference as far as lifespan. And don’t go through a breeder...that specializes specifically to a breed?! WTF? That’s the ONLY thing you should do, with a mutt you NEVER know what you are getting, no what to truly know what inherent

Mixed breeds have just as many if not more issues, vets have a very hard time troubleshooting when they are unsure of the lineage, so many times they prescribe what they feel is “best” based on current symptoms. Secondly, it is much harder to put a ‘plan’ together for their lifespan as opposed to purebreds which have

Do you say the same about kids with Down Syndrome? I mean, almost all of the causes come from women choosing to have children beyond a certain age and they sure as hell have a very short lifespan with complications.

...and you would be wrong yet again.

It IS a big deal, how many stories do you read of athletes, rappers or lotto winners losing everything?