
For all of a fucking day, clownshoe. This site has been regurgitating every bullshit “(fill in the blank) while black” story regardless of actual outcome. I mean, just reading the posts here you can see how loving and kind blacks are towards whites, but that’s obviously not racist! We treat you just like you treat us

This very site. There are countless comments, not to mention articles about POCs being harrassed simply because of their race all over the world. How many countries would collapse without you? Very few because in almost all of them, your financial contributions are usually near the bottom. Give me one prosperous

It was mocking that ridiculous word salad you threw together as an ‘argument’. As far as “hated internationally? Weird, literally every tourism economy relies on us (see Cuba for example), and every country needs us as an allie both financially and politically.

Dinosaurs? We fucking run this country which is still considered one of the most powerful on the planet. Show me a Latin or African country that isn’t a festering shithole overrun with violence and corruption.

Point out what I stated was wrong, with links to support them dipshit.

Oh, so would that same Google search also tell me that white people actually existed ALL OVER THE FUCKING PLANET you dumbass??!! That would mean that somehow Native Americans/African slaves needed to be worldwide (hint: they weren’t by any measure) to keep us “poor white people” from starving!! Secondly, they knew how

Typical black response, when you can’t even debate what was said you simply dismiss it as ‘trolling’. This entire site is a fucking troll job, you live in this bizarro world where somehow everything revolves around POCs, yet are the only race that lags far behind all others in literally every measure despite being

I’m an equal opportunity racist, but the reality is that almost all other races the world over despise you. The fact that nowhere on this planet is there a POC-majority city/state/country that isn’t a violent shithole says as much. How’s that feel?

EVERY major technological advancement has been made by white people: automobile, electricity, internet, computers, biotech, etc. There isn’t a single major advancement made over the past 50 years by a POC alone. Every major tech company is either founded or run by whites, dummy.

We built this land along with many others!

Is this a poorly worded haiku?

Actually, by population size alone they commit far more than other races. You shouldn’t commit almost half of all violent crime yet account for only 13% of the population (actually black males 16-27 make up approx. 7% of that 13 yet account for almost all of their crime).

Does this now mean “free pizza day for blacks”? Gotta make reparations!

If we could only get that 4% under control.

It’s only racist when it suits their agenda, boycotting KFC isn’t one of them.

Because black teens account for an insubordinate amount of crime, end of story. Seeing kids TAKING something from homes would be cause for concern.

We’ve been winning for over a century, meanwhile Asians and Latinos have passed you in both population and consumer spending.

Let it go, it was THREE YEARS AGO! Why not show the group of kids robbing the Apple store the other day? Or the black woman assaulting an elderly man with a BRICK?!

Immediately hits the pole!