
Here’s some good reading for your dumb ass (sound out the big words):

No, you don’t get to tell me what to do, got it cuck?

They don’t care, expect people to attack both you and “Andrew Free”.

You sound dumb, and possibly borderline retarded.

There’s no difference: parents KNOWINGLY illegally coming here put both theirs and their childrens lives at risk either in overcrowded, unventilated trucks or boats, in many instances just to make money...only to send it back home.

So are you dipshits going to hijack EVERY article with your faux outrage and concern?? Bet you sure as fuck had no concerns about kids when the Obama administration sent close to a MILLION families back, right?

Still don’t care.

Or worse, bratty kids screaming. They belong in cages also.

Look at all of the faux rage here, yet not a fucking one of you doing a thing about it, hahaha!!! Meanwhile you scream at the homeless on your way to work!

Error 404: Funny Not Found


When will you be taking some families in?

How’s my ass taste, loser?

I love that your side lost, your tears are delicious!

You already lost the war last November.

The reality is that these crime-infested countries are governed by people that turn a blind eye to their citizens, yet LOVE U.S. dollars and us taking these people off their hands instead of addressing their own issues. We can’t even take care of our homeless and mentally ill, now we have to financially support

Honest question: based on how the general public treats our US resident homeless population like a nuisance, how exactly are we then expected to treat tens of thousands, if not hundres of thousands more entering here illegally?

...and yet we make up the overwhelming majority of military that protect your welfare-loving asses.

Get off the internet LeBron.

If Trout has financially hamstrung that payroll to afford talent while acting like a diva, then yes it is the same.