A good majority of cruiseline drinks are frozen, I couldn’t imagine drinking one without a straw, plus many stain if spilled.
A good majority of cruiseline drinks are frozen, I couldn’t imagine drinking one without a straw, plus many stain if spilled.
Well, when you move into areas and turn them into dumps, we leave and you blame us for the ‘blight’. When we move back in and clean up your messes, thus increasing property values you then blame us for gentrification.
Maybe we wouldn’t be seeing so much of this, so often:
Wouldn’t want any looting or blocked traffic now, would we?!
So tackle the one that is most vocal and whiny about it?
As if the jeri curl era wasn’t embarrassing enough to POCs...
Let me ask an honest question: does anybody truly care what the intent is of these parents knowingly bringing their children here? I mean, we’ve seen the data that shows that the influx slowed greatly once the Mexican economy improved, i.e. they only came here for jobs and once they no longer needed them they returned…
Meh, most women that stay in abusive relationships do so because of the power structure, i.e. nowhere else to go, no support system, shame, etc. Rihanna didn’t need Brown, had no reason to fear him (she has FT bodyguards) and to this day will defend her decision for doing so.