
If this asshole is so concerned about jobs, why is he he trying to get in the way of my Soros protest work?

It’s Always Sunny at 1600.

“But they haven’t even won an Academy Award, tho.”

Hillary Clinton moved to New York for the first time in November 1999. By November 2000, she had been elected Senator in a state she’d lived in for a grand total of less than one year. Other candidates with far more experience both in public office and in the state, who had already announced their intention to run for

I feel bad for the mother but...

Not a fan of death porn, so i'mma give these a miss.

Not even money tbh.

The fact that bail was set on a violation is all you need to know about why bail reform needs to be addressed. 

That got way too British way too fast.

This story is not at all funny. That said, during his saga I wonder how many people he told that he went to Cornell?

If I saw a cocker spaniel with an AR-15, I’d shoot it too


Former President Doesn’t Get It; Wet Behind The Ears Child Blogger Gets Everything

Protocol for this scenario should have been established decades ago. Trump isn’t the first, second or even third president to visit China with the same aide following the president around. Personally I think it was China fucking with Trump’s entourage.

These are normie shit memes

still better than candy corn

Loaded with bloatware and spyware? Probably. 

With spyware! Ammirite?

...similar or greater performance except for stealth

If you do this on a White iPhone, it also posts bail and changes your current Facebook profile photo to your First Communion photo.