There is no Republican myth. This is just black people who have made it not caring about the rest.
There is no Republican myth. This is just black people who have made it not caring about the rest.
As you rightly note, Trump and his cronies naming this the Platinum Plan gives you all that you need to know about how serious this program ever was. It worked for what it was intended to do though with idiots like Ice Cube, 50 Cent, and whoever Lil Pump is jumping in line to dance for it.
Better just to call the cops to come over, right?
So you answer is basically act like the GOP instead of restoring the norms of this country.
Well, to be fair, the gun thing is true, if the rest is still crazy.
I recognize that it’s easy for me to say as a white guy, but good for Mr. Abram. He shouldn’t waste one second of energy or thought on the obviously troubled, racist asshole that is Ng.
OT: I met this guy for work recently and he is amazing. The Root should cover his story and, if you want, I have his contact info. He…
So are these articles meant to actually provide information on the “best” power supplies? Or is this only an ad?
So are these articles meant to actually provide information on the “best” power supplies? Or is this only an ad?
I actually (well, used to) kind of hate AOC (I worked for the GOP). Although I vote Democratic for a while now and am helping the Biden campaign in NC currently, she’s a bit out there for me personally.
I’m glad you realize how unfair the ban on assault weapons was. That wasn’t really to fuck with black people though.
No apple cider doughnuts? Consider yourself lucky.
Economic inequality is the reason for the vast majority of crime — violent and otherwise.
Blood and Oil is the book in case the link isn’t showing up.
RIP Herman Cain.
This is a great book that I just read on MBS. There is also a good podcast with the authors on “Intelligence Matters” if that is more your speed.
The vast majority of gun crime happens like this. Criminals with felony backgrounds and often previous gun charges. Almost all gun crime is handgun violence. Very often these criminals even have the gun charges dropped by prosecutors in order to cut a deal.
You are so close to being correct, but fall into the deadliest trap of them all — underestimating your opponent.
Erdogan is a pretty decent corollary. He wants to revive the Ottoman Empire so bad and won’t be able to do it.
I agree. Trump has done many bad things, but popularizing the idea of dismissing anything critical as “fake news” will be his most lasting, global impact...a terrible one.
I am not a Cardi fan, but it is still sad to see how little self-respect and self-worth she has. Of course, patriarchal culture does that to all women (to some degree), but poor, minority women often face more mistreatment than most.