Siri is so bad. I have way too many Apple products and use HomeKit as much as possible in my smart home stuff, but I still talk to Alexa because Siri is incompetent.
Siri is so bad. I have way too many Apple products and use HomeKit as much as possible in my smart home stuff, but I still talk to Alexa because Siri is incompetent.
The only valid thing he said is hating on Ben Crump who is like the modern Al Sharpton — running around to get in front of every TV camera near a dead, black body.
This isn’t a comment saying these families don’t deserve justice, but Crump is a better salesman of his services than he is a lawyer. Many of these victims…
Meh, I am only 32 and am on my second purchased outright Lexus.
Lol. Tucker Carlson doesn’t believe that BS. He is a character taking advantage of the rubes.
Damn! You found maybe the only shoe uglier than Crocs.
My sister has had 2 Nissan Rogues and they haven’t had huge amounts of mechanical issues, but man are they ugly, boring, slow, generic vehicles. I absolutely despise those things and their uncomfortable seats.
Hope they filled out their mail-in ballot already.
Shitty and immoral ads, but still ads.
Conservative minorities have been controlling most human civilizations since we’ve had recorded history.
You have a great knack for turning phrases around and encouraging introspection.
I actually quit before I finished school, but still can’t believe I joined. And I quit because I didn’t like people telling me what to do. I should have quit because of how others were being treated.
Is there any backstory? It is a bit odd (but not unheard of) for such a large group to single one out for no reason. Did they just generally hate her?
Democrats do do the same thing, you’re right. Politics IS dirty.
And no one hates those fundraising calls more than the politicians themselves. That said, the corruption and power deals that can be brokered in a private financing system are too alluring for them to change the laws to public financing. There would also be serious legal challenges around First Amendment concerns if…
And, oddly enough, there is a robust bit of pushback against Barrett from the fringes of the Right too. Of course, this is for being “too liberal” if one can believe it.
The most absurd thing is that the person they were trying to take blood from was also a part-time officer in another jurisdiction so they didn’t even really care about their “own”.
They were do you think Facebook makes money?
Oh Dharna...I would be concerned when my vapid screeds start sounding similar to the deranged missives being put out by the Trump campaign about the same person:
I hate Donald Trump, but running ads that tell people what your opponent did is not “suppressing the vote” by any definition — even a bad one.
Hate to tell you, but (my fellow) white people didn’t even care about the ridiculous murder of Daniel Shaver which is on video and, honestly, more disturbing than the Breonna Taylor case in a vacuum.