
I hate Donald Trump, but running ads that tell people what your opponent did is not “suppressing the vote” by any definition — even a bad one.

Hate to tell you, but (my fellow) white people didn’t even care about the ridiculous murder of Daniel Shaver which is on video and, honestly, more disturbing than the Breonna Taylor case in a vacuum.

Cops don’t see anybody as one of their own. Especially not EMT/fire who have a very complicated relationship with the boys in blue. Sure, there is a lot of political crossover, but little love lost on the scene. Think about that cop arresting a nurse in the hospital a while back as a particularly egregious example.

You people are as bad as the uneducated, untraveled plebes on the Right. The outside world — including Europe — is no scientific or racial paradise. In fact, on race, you’re hard pressed to find a better place than the United States despite our many problems. 

I like Biden a lot and agree with your overall point, but I have to admit that Biden’s speech pattern and mannerisms have changed distinctly in the last 5-6 years. I used to be a GOP Finance Director and heard Biden speak in DC several times and most recently at an event at Cornell in NY and it was a stark contrast.

You’re overarching point is correct, but the dollar figure is wrong. $15/hr is no money and should be the national minimum wage. We subsidize cheap employers who pay their employees less already through welfare programs.

I’m not a fan of Trump, but I used to work with the GOP and still know people in the WH and, unfortunately, it’s not true that they haven’t been prepping for debates. Here is a source I googled so you don’t have to take it from some stranger online.

Your “think tank” is just another name for lobbyists. It’s always surprising to me when people don’t understand that all legislation is written by lobbyists -- issue experts.

but his reluctance to address the GND comes across as an attempt to appeal to moderates above all else.

I think it’s valid that you bring up the reality that a decent part of history is interpretation, but I linked to a (pretty liberal) source that describes issues historians have with it rather than my ravings as a stranger on the internet.

It’s sad that the people screaming that the sky is falling about either the 1619 Project or this new 1776 deal can’t take off their partisan (and other biases) lens and recognize that both are efforts to distort true history for the express purpose of indoctrinating children to a specific ideology. Both are wrong.

I think small in-group communities like this will becoming increasingly popular. Some developer will make a ton of money when they figure out how to properly commoditize the idea.

Haha. The guy is kind of annoying at times. He lets the conspiracy theorists and whackjobs go way too far, but there’s no denying his role in American culture anymore after that $150m+ Spotify deal. He also had interviews with almost all of the Dem presidential candidates. He speaks to a large segment of the

Killer Mike in a positive light (as someone trying to navigate a political landscape inhospitable to their beliefs)

You know exactly what I meant. He is an issue advocate on one thing — guns.

I can’t hate on Killer Mike for this. He is pro-gun and a black man — a tough place to be in 2020.

She went through puberty as a man. Her body has physical benefits that other women athletes cannot naturally have. It isn’t sexist or transphobic to talk about science and the limitations of the human body.

“Most citizens who have a concealed carry license” was his point. It comes down to number of training hours, obviously. It isn’t surprising at all that someone who enjoys a recreational hobby would do it more than someone forced to do something for work.I get that you disagree with that assessment, but I have found it

Is anyone surprised at the possibility of a bad police shoot? In my concealed carry class (taught by a highway patrol official/special class for the State legislature) he even said that most cops are worse shots than civilians and spend far less time training.

Such a weird collaboration. Balenciaga is famous for their past — where they would never deign to allow someone like Cardi B to wear their clothes. Yet here they are today together. I guess no surprise for a classic brand that now embarrassingly inspires to be the next Supreme. I’m not a Cardi fan overall (and don’t