
It reminded me of the great poem Calvin Trillin wrote addressing how many Hollywood types champion Roman Polanski:

Not only that, but has filmed countless scenes of ripening-with-promise young girls being totally and creepily involved in their fathers’ romantic lives with adult partners, and displaying it as a loving act between father and daughter.

Allen’s deviant behaviour was all going to be handled by everyone concerned being in therapy but ALLEN tried to get custody of his victim instead.There were no public accusations, there was was no heated custody battle until he started one.

Even if you take out Dylan’s accusations (and I believe her) he developed a sexual relationship with his longtime girlfriends daughter whom he had known since she was a child. That is the sort of thing that will kill a public career, yet most people seemed to think it was a little creepy, but okay at the time. Why

Great movies? Really? I think that’s generous.

Thank you for tearing this fucking BS down point by fucking point.

If you assaulted one child and it led to an investigation and court case it wouldn’t be surprising if you did stop at one...or got much better at covering your tracks.

Not to mention, the way Dylan and her family has been vilified would probably deter anyone else from coming forward. Shit, who wants to deal with assholes mocking you and calling you a liar in a national newspaper?

And rich coming from someone who is quite literally being an opportunist and taking advantage of both the #metoo movement and Dylan’s story to further his own career by writing this extremely hot take.

That seems to be a constant thread through all these “let’s not be too hasty” articles in that he only has once accuser. Plenty of those found under #MeToo only had one very vocal accuser in cases but no one cared then but so many people, a surprisingly large amount of women in particular, seem to want to defend Woody

We are talking about a man who has been OPEN about being into underage girls since...well, since at least Manhattan. I don’t get the confusion?

I really do not understand the incessant defense of this man. Especially since the accusations involve a child. He has made some great movies but that is about it.

NYT, when you run an affirmative action program for white men with shitty opinions, this is what you get. I hope you’re proud of yourselves.

His verdict: Farrow is an opportunist taking advantage of the #MeToo moment for the purpose of “smearing” Woody Allen

Yeah this whole story is just about a bunch of incompetent and greedy assholes.

What the fuck? We regularly contract with the state and federal governments. Contract approval takes months as bidders must be vetted by a panel and pass a litmus test that includes a financial review. Something as simple as an audit of her “company” and their financials would have snuffed out her inexperience upon

Maybe...if it wasn’t the 6th time she failed to deliver on a government contract.

She’s the female Umar Johnson.

I would have taken a red pencil to a few other places on that page alone.

“My biggest mistake was not asking for more help.”