
We live in hell now.

The Republicans keep using isolated immigrant crimes as an excuse for their racist immigration polices. Build a wall! Evict all the browns!

I served on a state grand jury about a decade ago. One of the people brought up on charges had a huge stash of child pornography, including videos. The DA said, “This is the evidence we have so you can see why we’re presenting the case.”

It’s hard enough avoiding one creepy uncle. Now we gotta avoid two of ‘em??

As reported earlier by The Root, Paddock’s brother, Bruce, was previously arrested in Los Angeles for possession of child pornography in an investigation separate from the Las Vegas attack.

To be fair, that would be a particularly clever, if dishonest, way to take a couple months off without a dip in subscribers in the end.

In the U.S. it’s called FICO.

The thing about competitive trash-talk is that it comes in “levels.” Those levels are divided into what’s appropriate amongst friends who know each other well enough to be able to accept a barb without taking offense, mixed groups of friends and acquaintances where more care is warranted, groups of strangers where

People being helpful and considerate and a Ugandan Knuckles is still being disrespectful? Color me shocked.

I’ve had a few seizures playing (usually singleplayer) games, it can be rough to get through, and having someone there to support or help, VR or not, is a really reassuring, considering how out of it you are

I have a friend that have epilepsy and he had a seizure in my car once. There’s really not much you can do but to wait it out and hope that they didn’t hit their head on something while it’s happening. They usually don’t know what happened immediately afterwards but gets super tired and out of it, I’m guessing it’s a

It’s fine when it’s ‘Budweiser is great beer and McDonald’s is great food’, well, whatever. That’s opinion, enjoy your bland burger.

Linking only to truthful sites would cause Facebook to lose users who cannot accept objective reality. FB wants to rule them all. (And in the Darkness, bind them.)

What if the majority’s opinion is probably and objectively wrong like Obama is a muslim or Fox News is trustworthy?

Measuring your opinion against the majorities is a pointless waste of time.

I thought it was hilarious when I got to the end of the article and saw the same recommended one repeated so many times

you know, i get you, but gamers share the blame here. they wanted to play mmos. mmos work by having dedicated teams that work on the game after it comes out with significant content, and those people need paid. gamers complained that sub fees were too much, so the companies looked for a way to have a revenue stream

Police showed up at Thompson’s residence two months later on August 27, responding to the sound of explosions. He explained to police that a friend had “left him with a bag of unknown powder substance,” which he and a 20-year-old Canadian (also charged) had then tried to light on fire.

Want to defeat your opponent without even playing against him? Simply tell the local Duterte Death squad that you saw him doing drugs.

“This is a bad thing for fighting game events since the majority of our attendees aren’t ‘professional’ and are simply there for the experience and to play games, not to actually win the damn thing.”

It’s about the part where people are being murdered with impunity on trumped up drug charges and that these tests might lead to competitors being murdered. This is not hyperbole, people are being murdered with impunity.