bitch i was only PRETENDING to be a dumbass, you’re the dumbass for thinking it was dumb! that’s how many steps ahead of you i am!
bitch i was only PRETENDING to be a dumbass, you’re the dumbass for thinking it was dumb! that’s how many steps ahead of you i am!
sam hyde is a literal sociopath. that’s not a joke, it’s something that pretty much anyone who has worked with him can confirm for you. he was a used car salesman for many years and considers the ability to deceive or manipulate people as some kind of mark of superiority, including people who try to help him. his…
so it’s a “hitpiece” now to plainly describe videos which someone PUBLICLY FUCKING UPLOADED for millions of people to watch? jesus fucking christ. how do you even dress yourself when you’re that goddamn stupid?
all you have to do is watch this balding dipshit talk for 30 seconds and you realize he is a complete fucking shit-eating twerp. i literally don’t understand how ANYONE could stand listening to him for more than that amount of time. his opinions are sub-trash and his taste is almost identical to that of my 55-year…
Hanlon’s razor, actually:
I just started playing this game on PS4 during the past free weekend. I don’t know what the community was like before, but it’s really chill so far for me (although I am still in scrubland in terms of rank). I just hope nobody actually gets their feelings hurt when I teabag after killing them in a duel with lil D.Va…
lol smh kid got xboned, these dudes woulda bought him a PS4 if they were really looking out for him
I’m from Texas. In and around the Dallas-Ft Worth metroplex and Austin/Houston, it is EXTREMELY liberal. Because we have actually lived under conservative policies and know what they do to society, people are often conscious of just how shitty they are in ways that those from liberal states cannot understand.
Fuck the disgusting Japanese resale market. It is the greediest and grossest collection of business practices I have ever experienced in my life. It’s actually common for companies to charge double (or more) for the last few “collector’s items” (read: all items) they have IN STOCK from an original run just to try…
thats why he’s smiling with that shit-eating grin
Trump Lawyer Cucked By County Jail Inmate, Wife Not Even Hot
Also, “there are very hip nuns”? Yeah, bet that one was REALLY encouraging.
I overdosed at one point when I was young and flatlined as well. I always thought I might’ve missed out on some cool NDE-type shit because I was so sedated but your experience sounds pretty much identical to mine. I fell asleep in one place, and woke up in an ambulance. Nothing impressive about the incident beyond…
I actually quit playing Destiny completely not long after completing that Chaperone quest. It burned me out on the game entirely.
here is my KiLlEr LiFeHaCk bro: BE A GROWN-ASS MAN AND GET OVER IT. who the fuck hits on their roommate anyways? what the fuck is wrong with you? you don’t shit where you sleep, and you especially don’t shit where OTHER PEOPLE sleep. seriously, did nobody ever teach you this? open up your browser, go to pornhub,…
just dropping in with a friendly reminder that David Lynch is in a fucked-up guru cult and literally believes he can fly by folding his legs and hopping with his ass in circles on a gym mat for hours. this pretentious stain was douched out of the industry long ago and the TP revival proves to me that it should’ve…
This is why when dude shot up the Republican baseball game my only reaction was a deep belly laugh. This is why I’m not mad at the dude who killed 5 cops in Dallas. I genuinely hope these sick fuck conservatives die because they would kill every single one of us off if it would mean they could live a couple more…
Can’t help but think that nobody this smart should be in college. That shit is a scam through and through.
two words: “Ghost Skins”
$0.99/gallon sounds pretty damn good to me, idk what you’re talking about lol