
If there are other kids in there and they rush in with guns drawn that is exponentially more reckless.

See white folks, crazy and stupid comes in all colors. The Root brings it all to you. 

I wish my man held me as tight as Owens, Carlson, and Trashcan Lannister (ty Damon Young) are holding onto to the straws they’re grasping in order to consider this an insidious left-wing conspiracy. Even the most basic non-Fox News/OAN/Newsmax-but-still-back-the-blue blind to racism white person knows Chauvin killed a

Tammy Larmin would be trying to get a job at a Foot Locker if she hadn’t discovered wingnut welfare.

I would be surprised to find out there are police departments that are not corrupt. A little less surprised, but still surprised to find out there are city governments that are not corrupt.

I believe they’ll find evidence of CTE if they do an autopsy.

Why is the standard for a white male candidates always LOWERED???

Was the joke lame? Yes
Was the joke racist, homophobic/transphobic, anti-Semitic or etc? Nope 
Is it worth getting fired over? Nope

right, but this is like a family thing, we all know that every household has levels of toxicity but i think saying ‘yo we need to do better cuz i care about us’, the rebuttal doesnt and shouldnt always be, WELL THEY ARE TOXIC TOO. im not thinking about them tho, i dont care about the other family and i want mine to be

Harris absolutely gave a MUCH better answer to the question. She also was asked the question a day after Warren was asked, so it’s possible that she was able to prep an answer. She did a better job at pivoting from naming people she would appoint to a cabinet (not a question that ANY candidate would answer at this

This motherfucker is out of control. I’m done fussing about him, he ain’t changing who the hell he is now. Enough is enough! I’m looking at everybody in Washington up on the Hill, all of them, and nothing short of full outrage and raising hell will be accepted and expected.

Say what you will, but Kap has put his money where his mouth is time after time.

I completely understand not making the potential victim face their accuser(s), but I didn’t know that the accused didn’t have a right to know exactly what they were being accused of.

As far as the rest of the statements that I heard, I’d like to hear the other side to hear exactly what the problem(s) were. He did seem

Here’s where Trump’s legacy worries me.

I graduated high school in Detroit in 1979. Let me tell you a story.

I never understood why black conservatives/conservatives  always bring up that Republicans freed the slaves, so the fuck what? That is like saying Darth Vader did some good things in his past, yeah when he was Anakin Skywalker, not now now when he is half man/half cyborg blowing up planets.

Maybe she said the N-word, but it seems as though her larger offense was making the players uncomfortable. I’ve never been a fan of loud, abusive, foul-mouthed coaches (or drill sergeants, or band directors, or anyone else whose job involves guiding people towards victory or higher performance). You can criticize your

You mean to tell me white privilege exists even though they tell us they are the victims of affirmative action ? lol

He was NOT a good interviewer at all. As a journalist myself, the facial expressions he made basically throughout the entire interview was saying that Malik, shut up, you sound crazy, I don’t want to hear it. You let the interviewee say whatever they need to say regarding the question, no matter how crazy it is and

Girl, I’m tired, physically and emotionally.