
Well the problem with your spurious equivocation when you see black people as the target of discrimination is that this incident represents a huge civil rights violation (and I’ll take responsibility for verbiage using “micro-aggression”).

The annoying part of this is that (with exception of TheRoot), the media’s reporting on this type of commonplace racist microagression only tends to make major news cycles if the black target is the “perfect victim” (black active service member in uniform, doctor on a plane, etc).

Reality: cops are told in advance that there’s a good chance that Anthony had a gun on him.

Everything about this seems suspect.

Jokes aside, where are the feds?

Recall the Minneapolis Police Dept initial response was to declare George Floyd died of a “medical reason”

Probably Cracka Barrel (or as my friend calls it, the white fried chicken spot with racist slave-themed memorabilia on the walls)

You are a bigot based off your comment history.

Lol fair enough. It was long.

Nah, you’re a bigot from the comments you've written in the past. Go agree to educate yourself.

It doesn’t matter what the officer thought before the kid’s hands were up because the officer didn’t shoot until after the kid’s hands were up and then it was very clear that there was no weapon in them.

Interesting, that definitely would make me leash more on the side that the police’s scrubs against Toledo were unconstitutional.

Bye troll.

You’re not making any sense.

The kids we mentor are reminded that there are common sense consequences to running out at night with illegal guns and shooting at people

Respectfully, I disagree with characterizing this like something similar to Tamir Rice’s situation where the cop arrived on the scene and started shooting a kid with a toy gun in a playground within 10 seconds before assessing the fact that the callers even said they thought the kid could be playing with a toy.

Go inject yourself with Trump bleach.

That or I’m a black man who volunteers with Chicago youth, sees the systemic injustices inflicted on our children, and opposes the systemic racism that’s endemic to CPD, but still feels that this particular case did not represent police brutality.

As someone who lives in Chicago and bikes these streets at night, I don’t want people shooting up streets and shooting at cars without any concern for life.

He was a black man though?