F. Thot Fitzgerald II: Existential Boogaloo

In all seriousness, though fuck this rusty bitch

Friends: updates on the outbreak and how our jobs etc. are handling it, cynicism and snark about the shitty response to the pandemic and a healthy dose of memeing and tomfoolery to take the edge off. Cocktail recipes.

The conspiracy theorist in me kind of half-wonders if that image is supposed to be a dog whistle. I’ve noticed  people who are white supremacists or members of the alt-right/whatever the cute name we’re calling Nazis now often use knight and Templar imagery.

Notably, Meghan McCain said she liked not having an audience. “But I’m also, like, a news person,”

Racism and xenophobia. 

Right now I think he’s more at the “visiting a concentration camp” level of eye-contact

I’m dealing with shit like this, too.

I hate to be “that guy”, but iirc, it’s actually spelled どうもありがとう. The ō sounds in Japanese are written as “ou”. Ex: ganbarimasho/mashō/mashou would be written がんばりましょう.

At least Incitatus wasn’t a drunk.

So our choices for Harley Quinn are Mitch McConnell and Lindsay Graham? That’s grim. 

So Trump, Gaetz and Gohmert were potentially exposed to the coronavirus?

Ugh I’m with you. A lot of people where I am have been saying similar stuff. These are some of the points that I’ve been using:

Be strong, friend. Alcohol kills the coronavirus, right? That’s what I keep telling myself.

“...some have and will continue to feel isolation and pain. We encourage all members of our campus community to reach out to those who are personally affected with sensitivity, love and respect.

This is actually Fulton county (excuse my shitty Paint skills):

Also that “half physical” shit was beyond questionable

I guess I just like to believe that no one would knowingly bag on someone in a way that mocks or otherwise belittles symptoms of a chronic condition—even though I know first hand that’s untrue. Perhaps there’s a dying strain of optimism left in me after all.

You’ve raise a very good point. Britney was undiagnosed at that point, but it was clear to anyone with eyes that she was in the middle of a mental health crisis. It’s the same with Kanye West. I think the media’s treatment of public figures with mental illnesses is part of a broader conversation on the topic and how