F. Thot Fitzgerald II: Existential Boogaloo

That’s good! I’m glad you guys are able to hunker down and protect yourselves. It’s good that there are a lot of essentials right at your backdoor, too.

One of my coworkers at my old job had it. She was one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met and she told me a bit about what it was like. It sounded like a nightmare--especially because so few people understand it and what it can do to you. I can’t imagine how debilitating it must be to have Crohn’s symptoms on top of

I wouldn’t say I’m a fan of his, but I kind of agree. As someone who has chronic mental illnesses, I sometimes find myself feeling uncomfortable, so I usually skip the Pete Davidson-related content. I mean I get it, he’s kind of a celebrity and it’s easy and maybe even fun to bag on his behavior/choices. In fact, a

I basically got laughing poisoning at the dentist. I full-on Exorcist-style projectile vomited, but I managed to catch some of it in those little bibs they give you. Which my dentist thought was hilarious, apparently. My cleaning was free since the hygienist who administered the gas was at fault.

I can’t stop laughing at the idea of a pizza badger.

This particular boss had a horrible habit of smacking his food when he ate; he basically snarfed with his mouth open, took these great rasping breaths between bites like he couldn’t get enough air and gulped loudly when he swallowed.’

Right? Like if I was as rich as them I’d fuck off somewhere never to be seen or heard from again and spend the rest of my days minding my business. 

Beyonce is damn near 40 and she’s widely considered a tastemaker who wears tons of fun outfits. (I mean, she’s also Beyonce, but I feel like that’s a given.)

Need more hamberders and Quaaludes.

I’m team pie to the face as that’s historically how we’ve dealt with clowns.

I’m always sort of evenly divided between two camps when it comes to clothing.

At one point he floated the idea of naming Stacey Abrams his VP. Which would be dope as fuck.

I like it. I’m sure we’ll prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that we’re the man for the job.

It really is! I’ve been looking into it. They invented Champagne as well iirc. 

He once glimpsed himself while getting out of the shower and was in a stupor for a week. 

Lol I only wish. Nah, I just work a government job. :P

Yeah. I think my dad is kind of starting to see the severity of it, but he’s also got a lot of pride. He’s also a smoker so he pretty much has a cough year round. It’s maddening.

Holy shit that’s grim. And stupid. I hope you’re able to stay safe.

Similarly, this article made me want to try a bunch of different beer styles I never have before!

I was thinking the same thing. I adore the whole “Monks looking at/drinking alcohol” genre for some reason.