F. Thot Fitzgerald II: Existential Boogaloo

You raise some good points, but in my experience even those mental illnesses that are more “acceptable” have ever-moving goalposts. All it takes is for your depression, your PTSD or your anxiety to manifest itself in a way people don’t like or don’t understand. Then you’re fair game to be judged or made fun of.

Pretty much this. Moreover, it is often something that upholds a status quo they benefit from either directly or indirectly. So the idea that things are going to change is threatening to them because it implies they might lose a modicum of control.

I’m right there with you, friend. It was bad enough loving to read and learn all while having to deal with my anti-education, anti-science family. Now I see them posting conspiracy theories and misinformation about COVID on social media and it’s just so, so exhausting.

2Woke what’s it like being a genius? 

I live in Georgia so I’m fucked lol.

Oh I forgot all about bloody marys. Perhaps the best use of celery there is! Use it to stir your drink and tell yourself that between the celery and the vitamins and minerals from the tomatoes in your Zing Zang that it practically counts as a serving of vegetables.

Hear hear! Every time I see his pinched turd of a face on my local news channel, I say to myself “You stole a whole election so you could be governor. Why don’t you try, oh, I dunno, GOVERNING for a change?”

Acceptable ways to eat celery: 1.) Ants on a log (I use almond butter), 2.) As a side with carrots for wings so I can tell myself “Hey, I’m eating vegetables, too!”, 3.) Tuna salad for extra crunch and 4.) In a salad of marinated vegetables (celery, onion, corn, green beans, peas and whatever else you wanna throw in

Man those Conan movies were MY SHIT when I was younger--way too young to be seeing them, probably lol. UGH I absolutely need to watch those, Masters of the Universe and quite possibly a few kung fu and horror movies today. 

I think Jack Black’s hammy performance in the third one is at least worth a lookup on YouTube. But for the most part, it’s in the same school as Men in Black and Jurassic Park: movies I loved in my childhood that absolutely do not have any sequels.

This is going to ravage the shit out of my local economy, I think. We’re anchored to a major university—the likes of which has a HUGE international student population—and we already have a hard enough time keeping stores/restaurants open when the semester is over.

You can get the watered down kind in the states and while it’s tasty, it’s not as fun.

Tammy Duckworth: It’s worth starting a discussion about our nation’s convoluted history of memorials to problematic white men.

Fair point. :P

I’ve tried to tell myself that too, but I’m not always successful. I’m within a gnat’s ass of drinking absinthe and performing strange rites in the woods on a regular basis. 

Can’t be any more than I am. I’m on uppers, downers and candy corns.

The videos are out there if you search, but I don’t recommend it because they don’t censor the poor guy’s face. I honestly don’t understand how he gets a pass for having sex with a guy in that state (which yeah, after I posted, I remembered that it was him claiming to have done it). Worse still, the people who simp

I hate to go there, but it kind of made me side-eye her for automatically glomming onto the “he’s pressuring straight men” narrative—especially when she didn’t have all the facts. LGBTQ+ people are often painted as predatory and for some of us, it’s our worst nightmare. As imperfect as he is, I really felt for James

Yeah, this is something I’ve noticed, too. Shane nor Jeffree are that much younger than she is. I find it a little weird that everyone keeps harping on Tati’s age but not theirs. None of them are “old” by any stretch, but they’re all well into adulthood. 

Oh I’m sure gaslighting and manipulation came into play to some extent, but you’re right, she’s grown and at the end of the day, the choice to post that video—about which she had previously expressed concern that it might send James Charles over the edge—was hers. Shame Dumbass and Jaundiced Snake weren’t hovering