They have rankings of these things, based on statistics. He hasn’t been in the top 10 in QBR in the last two seasons, and he’s currently ranked 31 for 2019.
They have rankings of these things, based on statistics. He hasn’t been in the top 10 in QBR in the last two seasons, and he’s currently ranked 31 for 2019.
Porches that are on the second floor or higher are traditionally called balconies.
Now now, we all know Lakers, Yankees, Cardinals, Steelers and Canadian hockey fans are among the chillest groups in sports.
“From its music to its food to its sports teams and even its goddamned history, New England has exploited imported talent and effort, yet acts like it’s baked into the very fabric of the area.”
You’re aware of how culture works, right? Save the time and just say “New England is like everywhere.”
What a productive two days you’ve had.
Give my team six rings and I would chill the fuck out for life (or at least, I’d like to think I would).
My coach is the only man in the world who can pull off a visor. That alone is worth it.
Counterpoint: Kimbrel wasn’t bullied enough as a kid and that’s why he still does that stupid stance before each pitch.
The only downside of this drama, from a Hard Knocks viewer’s perspective, is that so much of it is not taking place with all of the actors in one place. It’s Gruden on the field griping, it’s Mayock at a press conference, and it’s AB ummm, in a balloon or playing with his kids. As far as all of us can tell, none of…
One of their safeties got charged with assault. In a nice change of pace, he was charged of beating someone WITH his girlfriend, and not beating the girlfriend.
I think it has worked out tremendously for him.
I’m not sure how you can say that a show that’s been running for nine years “isn’t really working out.”
I’ll give my Houston perspective since that’s where I live. You know what the Rockets do with Olajuwon? Give him courtside seats to every game, have him work with Clint Capela and post video to social media, and run him out for promotional appearances. Everyone wins. You know what they don’t do? Make him president of…
Guys, I've found the pigeon.
Bookmark this article for the next time any commenter on any GMG site says that unions are bad or an anachronism in 2019.
Could have been worse. You could have left off the last four words of your headline.
“i was annoying and he got annoyed. what a nightmare!”
Megabus gets stuck in traffic on weekends and holidays, train does not.
Hot take: The roommate’s reaction to the pun guy was 100% warranted.