Teve Torbes

Apparently he meant to make some more edits before he put his copyright on there. Below is his final, more tasteful version.

Haters gonna say it’s fake.

Yeah, we’ve examined the audio, and it turns out LeBron didn’t leave Kevin Love hanging at all. He just called him a shit-ass moron and told him the Cavs would be better if he’d never been born.

Bet you Blizz can’t detecet my “video game enchancer”. MUHAHAH!

fuck that shit

Tampa. Such a classy town.

Will I need to play the first 2,015 NBA games to understand what is going on with this one or can I jump right in? I’m worried the plot might be over my head.

Pretty sure that gator/vid are the real deal. However, Florida gators are mostly harmless to humans due to losing all their teeth from meth use.


What happened to this site? You used to have good highlights, articles and even break a story every once in a while. Now it's just soccer highlights and ads. What's the deal?

That dude in the picture needs to take a fucking shower

Come on folks, we all know the universe was populated differently than that.

Roger Goodell has suspended him four games.

Not only was the lake clogged up with a bunch of trash, but it looks like they left a bunch of garbage as well.

Interestingly, this actually does offend 9 out of 10 Native Americans.

Right after buying it he called me a “Retahd” wtf is that