
when an offensive lineman or somebody unloads profanity on this woman

You’re in a strictly man’s world. In a thing that calls for a lot of “man traits,” if you will, not that they’re better or worse than female traits, it’s just not the right place. It’s the wrong place to put a woman. It’s unfair to the woman.I don’t understand it. I don’t understand why you’d put a woman in that

Keep a steady flow of mixed drinks - enough to relax, not too much so you're shitfaced - and keep your mouth shut outside of "You're right, Charleton Heston was a great Moses," and you'd be fine.

Never sleep on Screamin’ A. Smith.

People are going to go apeshit when she awards a first down for advancing 7.8 yards.

Hopefully they found out who his favorite daytime bartender is.


"there is a spot for him...at running back."

Gee, what's your prob, Sarah?

They had him at здравствуйте.

Make dreams come true. Let Watching a Crying Drunk Girl Yell at her Boyfriend win.

I got to watch a Crying Drunk Girl get taken care of by her Boyfriend (she was sort of yelling, but I think it was just inability to modulate tone) in Penn Station last weekend, and it was BEAUTIFUL. Mostly because he was being super sweet to her but you could tell he just wanted to lose his shit laughing.

NO. NO. You can binge watch all the time. It's NOT SPECIAL.

I like Teddy and will be taking him in my keeper league. That combined with the fact that he plays for the Vikings almost assures his failure.


You can win with a mediocre-to-average QB

I'm quite surprised that more people didn't get PS4 for exclusives. I feel like everyone I know bought it for them.

All of these things are fair and rational requests to make. Can't see any reason anyone would have a problem with any of them.

Shorter version, if you just want the list of the list of what she says are "Eight things developers can do to make games less shitty for women", paraphrased from my notes... not that a lot of this pertain to action games and probably make more sense if you're thinking about first and third-person shooters, the Arkham