Arthur 'Two-Sheds' Jackson

That’s a good question. Honestly, I would think that the people who need instructions for shampoo probably aren’t the sort of people who read instructions.

Plus the warning not to drink it. Can’t forget about that part. I always wondered how many people drank it before they had to include that warning.

because some dumb ass motherfucker apparently forgot to rinse AND repeat.

And to paraphrase Carlin, remember: half of Americans are dumber than that.

I spend a lot of time in consumer research. Can confirm.

The American people, especially the honest folk of middle America, are not kind decent folk. Well, they may be, until they encounter hierarchy.

Then they become craven asskissing bootlickers. We are a nation of joiners and toadies, and I will put a huge amount of money on a very strong correlation with joining a

Yes Albert, it does.

“I beg to differ.”

People are more likely to survive a stabbing. Comments like yours, meant to deflect attention away from the real issue we have with guns in the USA, are getting really tiresome.

No, we didn’t. Republicans did. Just them. Just them.

Don’t listen to the pearl clutchers. That was gold.

It’s like saying “bless you” after someone sneezes. Another shooting? “thoughts and prayers.”

No. California went blue, and San Bernandino is mostly Latino. And there’s not oil or stock benefit for him.

I’m fucking tired of living in a country where the NRA has such a fucking stranglehold on our politicians that I have to be worried about my kid getting shot at school because there are so many fucking guns and such a culture of violence. And there is no end in sight.

Because as a country we looked at what happened at Sandy Hook and decided we were ok with it.

I’ve been to scores of games at the Joe, tens of concerts, and am old enough to have enjoyed one or two at the old red barn.

I’m sure thoughts and prayers will be enough to help these poor kids overcome the lifetime of trauma this incident will bring.

I assume the other party in the murder suicide was a grizzly bear.

From the perspective of a Bulls fan, have at it.

She looks like she could play a mean game of softball, doesn’t she?