Should’ve tried to get on Tucker Carlson instead. Because you know he’ll spin that video as irrefutable evidence of them ungrateful black monkeyshines trying to provoke a race war.
Should’ve tried to get on Tucker Carlson instead. Because you know he’ll spin that video as irrefutable evidence of them ungrateful black monkeyshines trying to provoke a race war.
Victim of your own stupidity is a thing, right.
“ethnic intimidation” = “being non-white around someone who is terrified of everyone who is not white”. It’s like an agoraphobe trying to sue the outdoors for being there.
Don’t forget mouth filled with salt and sewn shut. Learned that from Kolchak: The Night Stalker.
So the big bad tough guys of the GOP have senators and congressmen and women not wanting to go to Florida for their shit show of a convention due to health reasons but have no issues sending children and teachers back to school to get sick huh/ Again anyone that votes for this party and tries to act like the reason is…
Wait a minute. Are we sure this kind of calm de-escalation is even allowed on the internet?
Hey now, I’m a manbaby myself, I take great offense to being compared to them! At least I will elaborate on my shitty opinions, these big brains can’t even do that.
Saw a sad thread on a meme site of users complaining that Larson isn’t funny and is ‘boomer humor’. Made me really angry that a community whose sense of humor is defined by irony and morbidity wouldn’t understand the magic of Larson.
I have too, in that I’ve realized I can’t be reasonable about this topic at the moment (I’m recovering from an assault). I still don’t like your joke, but I wish I hadn’t responded to it emotionally.
I've had a mood swing, Kallekanin, and it occurs to me that I am unnecessarily contributing to more negativity in the world. Since I can’t edit out my responses, I’ll just apologize for losing my temper. I hate it when others are incordial to me, but I’m a hypocrite for responding in kind. That said, I will continue…
Making a joke about a horrible situation is markedly different from mocking a victim. It’s called ‘gallows humor’ and it’s older than your introduction to ethics curriculum. You’d certainly have a point if I disparaged Benoist for being attacked, which I didn’t. By your accounting, anyone who makes a sarcastic…
See, I want to point out that the concept we’re discussing when we speak of a ‘curse’ is that there are multiple tragedies tied to a particular point of reference without necessarily saying that the thing itself is the cause. There’s the curse of star wars, the curse of the crow, curse of the exorcist, even a curse…
I picture Ryan Murphy sitting in an expensive but uncomfortable looking chair in a massive, sterile looking living room, watching local coverage about this and smirkingly considering creating an F/X miniseries emtitled: The curse of Glee.
Having taught for 6 years, I can say this about reopening:
I DIDN’T NEED A WARNING. I didn’t think anyone I know, needed a warning against voting for Trump. I have never watched Apprentice, but just casual knowledge learned about him over the previous 35 odd years that he has been in the public eye was plenty of information to know that Trump isn’t a fit parent, husband or…
Lindsay Graham actually contradicting Trump’s decree about Confederate flags is a definitely a warning sign the rats are starting to flee the sinking ship.
Trump supporters will read a book
The thing is, we know all of this already. People who knew Trump long before his TV show warned us. People who knew him while the show was on warned us. People warned us when he started the birther bullshit. People warned us when he started running. While the tea is lovely, this is yet one more person telling us what…