Frumious B

. . . by diverting attention to the coronavirus, and how he fucked up the response so badly that even he got infected, literally within hours of saying it was winding down. That would be inconceivably stup—no, you’re right, that is a real possibility.

Yeah, but Democrats, in a never ending desire to shoot themselves in their own ass to prove they are civil and reasonable, would appoint another Republican who was probably twice as hardline. ‘Cause the Democrats just cannot help themselves like that.

I hope he pulls through. No seriously, I do. Quite apart from the apocalyptic spectre of President Mike “Chosen by God to Bring the End Times Pence directly, the Dems entire electoral strategy is to say “us or Trump”. Take that away, and have Pence say something along the lines of “hey, we hear you American Public,

A lot of people are worried that this is indeed just another fucking Trump con.

Masque of the Red Death, anyone?

Literally inventing conspiracy theories in his head on the fly as he’s being interviewed. That is a feat.

Having had is does not preclude one from gettiing it again so there is ZERO reason to assume that she can’t be the source because of that.

How is it not?

Because, even her spawn isn’t buying her stupid B.S.

The assailant is reportedly a Central Park carriage driver. And he claims the guy was, “an asshole”

This fucker better hopes the NYPD finds him first.  Millions of Canadians armed with hockey sticks and out for blood ain’t no joke.


serious Masque of the Red Death vibe to this

Some people have no taste.

Yes. I don’t believe it. The timing is far too perfect — right after a horrendous performance at the first debate, his tax corruption is finally released? Nah. His modus operandi is to deflect, and look how well it’s working. He will likely have a miraculous cure (no doubt created by a company owned by family) and

The way my petty is set up....

Hypocrisy, thy name is Trumpers.

Imagine paying upwards of $250K just to catch a potentially fatal and debilitating disease.

I don’t think Homelander is simple. He just never had to be clever. Just like he never had to learn to fight. He is just so massively overpowered he can destroy anything he doesn’t like without bothering with any subtleties. If wants something he just takes it. He is a spoiled toddler because he never had to learn