Frumious B

“Lady?” Have you ever had to deal with a female cop? They are - if possible - even dumber and meaner than the males. They have some massive chips on their shoulders owing to god-knows-what, and they treat other women like absolute shit when their male handlers let them off the leash. In my town, no kidding, the

I used to, but then my doctor told me it was taking too many years off my life, so I had to give it up. Now I just drink a handle of whisky a day. It’s healthier in every way.

Post something spicy over on reddit and watch them all disappear back to their home to respond. 

Well at least I accomplished 1 worthwhile thing.

The amount of brand-new commenters on this article is something else.

That’s fine.  I’m not really sure why someone you presumably don’t know making someone else you presumably don’t know mad online is something that brings you joy, but to each their own.  See, that’s how online commenting should work - I express a view, you express something in opposition, then I respond and/or we all

I agree with OP, but I also think the punching up/punching down dichotomy has become lazy and reductive. It served a purpose at one point in time when countering incredibly stupid arguments in vein of “the only acceptable form of racism these days is racism against white people.”

Apparently no comedy or comedians exists anymore and it's all our fault. 

They’re, uh, none of them are coming back, are they? This is them running.

Here in America we don’t tolerate that kind of crap, sir!

In 60 years, they’ll make statues of you to remind the grey’s of their place.

This is protestant Christian religious zealots realizing they may have backed the wrong Christ for the end-times, and desperately trying to rationalize why they’re still stuck toiling in battle on Earth instead of frolicking naked in Heaven.

The thing is....they want a war. A holy war. Obama didn’t do it to them like they were hoping; the promised uprising never materialized. They’ve got all of these metaphorical white sneakers and end time plans and no party to attend.

I always get out of the grays by threatening to start a civil war on Kinja. 

Wasn’t too long ago that Italians weren’t considered white, playboy. Keep climbing that ladder on the backs of people who can’t hold out hope that one day WASPs will only wrinkle their noses a little bit before describing them as “swarthy.”

Da shines and da moolies? Ayyy, we got dis.

Hang on, this white supremacist’s pension is really $8800 a month? The writers of these last 3 seasons have gotten really lazy.

If you look at the overall numbers of whites who are losing health insurance, increasingly dying of alcoholism and drug addiction, living in poverty, etc., we’re now at a stage where more total white lives depend on ending white supremacy in America than POC. And those numbers are increasing exponentially.